Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

Starting Over After A Breakup

September 18, 2020

Amira de Vera joins Jess on the podcast this week to share her experience after a breakup with a long term partner at the age of 34. They discuss how she went from lying on the floor crying to feeling happier than ever. Amira opens up to discuss:

Overcoming the fear of starting over in your 30s
How to identify what you really want in a partner and relationship
Multiple approaches to getting over a tough breakup
The importance of sitting in the pain and using pain to heal
How to shift from focusing on others to focusing on yourself
Getting over the idea that you must hit specific milestones by a specific age
Breaking free of negative spirals
Amira’s path to self-love
The role of journaling, therapy, nature, friends, and creativity in healing
The fallacy of someone “completing” you

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