Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

A Sexologist’s Husband Tells (Almost) All

April 19, 2017

This week Jess hosts her husband, Brandon Ware, for a tell-all on being married to a sexologist. He shares his thoughts on nude beaches, sex toys, public sex and more. Sit back and listen as Jess and Brandon walk you through their sexual journey.

Brandon Ware is a founding partner with The WareInToronto Group and is the top sales representative with Private Service Realty. He is passionate about his business and his warm personality, in-depth market knowledge and solid negotiation skills set him apart from others in the field.

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See below for this episode's transcription...

Dr. Jess: Hi there! This is Jess O'Reilly I am Sex with Dr. Jess, your friendly neighborhood sexologist and shouldn't every neighborhood have a sexologist? I don't know, maybe my neighbors would beg to differ. I am here as always to help you cultivate sexual compatibility so that you can a happier, more meaningful, more loving relationship and of course compatibility is something that requires work. It is not about destiny and it's not about finding the right partner. It is about training your partner and treating yourself, to meet your partner's needs. It's that simple! Now today, I'm a little bit nervous and a little bit excited, because I have with me Mister hahah no Mister Sex with Dr. Jess.

Brandon: The man behind the woman.

Dr. Jess: The man behind the woman but really the man who stands beside me, and props me up.

Brandon: You want to be careful with where I’m standing.

Dr. Jess: Yeah. My husband, Brandon Ware, my life partner, the love of my life is with us. Brandon say hi.

Brandon: Hey everybody, how you doing?

Dr. Jess: He’s doing…

Brandon: I’m expecting a response.

Dr. Jess: He’s doing the Barry White voice…

Brandon: It’s White Barry. Are you doing there?

Dr. Jess: Hahah. Definitely Barry White. Hahaha. We are going to talk about our life, because one of the top questions I receive after, ‘hey is it normal that I like to put this up my butt?’ and the answer is yes.

Brandon: Hahah.

Dr. Jess: One of the top questions I received is, ‘what did your husband think about what you do?’ So babe let's start there, we're going to be talking about how working in the field of human sexuality impacts our relationship and our sex life. I don’t think we’re going to get too graphic.

Brandon: Nope.

Dr. Jess: But ultimately your life changes when something that is so pleasurable and also so tied your identity becomes your life's work. So we'll start with: Brandon and what do you think of my job?

Brandon: I think it's amazing. The positives definitely outweigh the negatives. Where do I even begin? There are so many things that we've been introduced to, exposed to, as a result of your job.

Dr. Jess: That’s good and bad?

Brandon: Um yeah it’s a bit of both.

Dr. Jess: Exposed sounds umm…

Brandon: Exposed isn’t the right word, maybe introduced to is the better terminology. I mean, let’s talk about Desire Resorts. That clothing-optional resort down on the Mayan Riviera.

Dr. Jess: Yeah so I talk about Desire a lot. It’s not just because I work with them, honestly it's because it was life changing for me. And I’ve talked about how it made the way I’ve felt about my body, but I also know Brandon's told me that, and I don’t think he’s told me in so many words because the first time we went there we were in our mid-twenties so it’s 11-12 years ago. Hahah Brandon is getting close to 40.

Brandon: Ya the countdown is on!

Dr. Jess: It’s okay you look younger and act younger. Too young.