Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

The 11 Sex Personality Types

July 03, 2020

Sex therapist Vanessa Marin helps Jess and Brandon to explore their sex personality types and how we can use them to better understand our own needs and our partners’.

The 11 sex personality types include:

The Explorer : sex is your playground, the element of unknown
The Prioritizer: to know that sex is something you and your partner are willing to prioritize
The Decompresser: sex is a form of stress relief
The Fair Trader: generosity is the most important quality of sex, balance of giving and receiving
The Giver: sex and pleasure is a gift to give to their partner
The Guardian: safety and security is of the utmost importance during sex
The Passion Pursuer: you want sex to feel all encompassing, losing yourself in the moment and letting go
The Pleasure Seeker: the pure physical pleasure to sex
The Romantic: sex is all about connection, emotional intimacy with your partner
The Spiritualist: a way to connect to a higher purpose, sex feeling like a transcendent experience
The Thrill Seeker: taboo or forbidden element to sex, this can contrast with the explorer

They also discuss learning to orgasm, communication and the many dimensions of sexual fulfilment.

Follow Vanessa on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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