Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay: An Exercise for Singles and Couples

June 19, 2020

Marla & Jess wrote a book, The Ultimate Guide to Foreplay & Seduction! They’re having a virtual launch party to celebrate: Wednesday, June 24th at 7pm EST. Register to attend for free! 

In this week’s episode, Jess and Marla chat about their book launch as well as:

Marla’s thoughts on BLM
Pleasure as resistance
Sex Down South
What makes us seductive
How we entice our lovers
How we manage rejection

They work their way through one of the Lovers’ Inquiries in the book and encourage you to consider these questions/discussions prompts too:

What is the most seductive thing about you?
What have other people told you about your sex appeal? What do they say turns them on when it comes to your personality, behaviour or appearance?
What makes you anti-seductive? Would you like to change anything about your behaviour or approach?
What do people find curious about you? How do you entice others to be curious about you?
Do you consider yourself open-minded? Is there anything you would like to work on when it comes to keeping an open mind?
How do you handle rejection? How did you respond the last time you faced rejection (not limited to sex)? Do you want to adjust the way you think or behave moving
Do you tend to take things personally? What might you do differently in the future?
Do you find that you are present and mindful when you spend time with your lover(s) or on your own? What helps you to stay in the moment? What detracts you from
being mindful and present?

And a special thanks to our sponsors: Good for Her, Naughty in N'Awlins, Charis Books & More, We-Vibe, Womanizer, Macton Housing Group & Astroglide!