Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

How to Better Understand Your Sexual Values (And Your Partner’s)

December 27, 2019

Happy holidays! In this episode, Jess and Brandon use the Sexual Values Questionnaire to explore their own sexual values. Brandon shares his experiences learning about sex and gender through sport, family and (Catholic) school and Jess shares her memories of what she learned about sex growing up. They don’t complete the full exercise, so it will be continued in next week’s episode.

Feel free to try the Sexual Values Questionnaire on your own or with your partner(s) using the following questions as discussion prompts:

1. What messages did you receive about sex growing up?
2. What messages do you wish to retain and which ones do you want to reframe/discard?
3. What does sex mean to you?
4. How important is sex to you?
5. What emotional components of sex do you value?
6. What physical & practical components of sex do you value?
7. What spiritual components of sex do you value?
8. How often do you want to have sex?
9. How do you want to feel before, during & after sex?
10. How do you anticipate sex changing over time?
11. What are the sexual challenges you currently face and how can you address them?

This podcast is brought to you by Desire Resorts.