Sex With Dr. Jess

Sex With Dr. Jess

Defensive Partners, Toxic Relationships, Shrinkage and Porn Habits

April 18, 2019

How do you deal with a defensive partner? How do you manage a partner who lashes out in arguments? Is shrinkage real? What are some signs of a toxic relationship? Do I get a say in my partner’s porn habits? Jess and Brandon answer your questions in another rapid fire round.

Please see a rough list of the questions that were addressed on this episode:

I followed your 3-step approach on how to have difficult conversations with your partner, but I have some follow-up questions.

78. What if your partner gets defensive?

79. Lashes out?

80. Or simply withdraw or refuses to talk?

81. What if they refuse to go to therapy?

82. I want to go one of those nude beaches you talk about, but I'm afraid I will get a woody. Brandon, has this happened to you?

83. Can you make my penis bigger?

84. Is shrinkage real?

85. Does my partner get a say in my porn habits?

86. Is it your right to tell your partner that you'd prefer they didn't watch porn if it makes you jealous or you aren't comfortable with it?

87. Where is the line for advocating for what you want, and being controlling?

88. What about telling them not to watch certain kinds of porn that you're ethically opposed to? Like free porn which is often exploitative, or porn scenes that are degrading towards women?

89. If your partner has an issue with your porn habits, would you change them or tell them it's your choice?

90. Does Brandon have a brother?

91. What if my wife has a small clitoris?

92. Why does my penis keep dripping after I pee?

93. Can semen clog your drain?

94. How do they know it's semen, did they have to clean out their pipes?

95. I just started dating since graduating college and being with a not-so-great boyfriend for four years. I'm not sure what a healthy relationship should really look like. Can you tell me some signs of a toxic relationship? I want to know what to look for, to make sure it's not an unhealthy situation.

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