Sex and Lattes

Sex and Lattes

Latest Episodes

# 12 - It's good for you
December 09, 2018

Be prepared to compare and contrast the benefits …

# 11 - Take it from the back
November 25, 2018

AJ divulges her experience with anal sex and lack…

# 10 - To clean or not to clean
November 22, 2018

Washed or unwashed? Which do you prefer? AJ conti…

#9 - The benefits of swallowing
November 19, 2018

This time AJ dwells deep into the chemical make u…

#8 - Unexpected combinations
March 17, 2018

Coffee bike shop? A short rant of unexpected comb…

#7 - Give it a little taste
January 25, 2018

Treat your senses to a new episode and makes thos…

#6 - How do you like it?
January 25, 2018

What can you add to make it better. Exploring all…

#5 - I'll take it to go
November 21, 2017

AJ rambles about her experiences in the most unus…

#4 - Spontaneous intake
November 14, 2017

The word spontaneous is certainly underused in th…

#3 - Lack of proper stimulation
November 06, 2017

What is the longest you have gone without it?