Serial Intrapreneur

Serial Intrapreneur

Jill Castilla: Saving a Bank - Serial Intrapreneur

February 17, 2018

Jill Castilla went home to save her family bank. She saw first hand how a successful, trustworthy institution could be brought to the brink of ruin. Working from a strong sense of duty, and trying to keep a sense of humor, she worked through all the problems at Citizen Edmonds Bank in Edmonds Oklahoma. It wasn't her first foray with unpleasant work.  Frustrated with a lack of college funds, she signed up for the army and was part of the US Army Corps of Engineers. She then persevered through several challenges to get her degree and eventually ended up working her way up in the financial world. When her step-dad called and asked her to come home and save the family bank, she left a better paying position with a lot more obvious potential, and went back with her family to help.   It was a dirty, difficult job. But that same perseverance that took her through the army and got her through school came in handy. Eventually, she was named American Banker Community Banker of the Year and led Citizen Edmonds Bank to be one of the most successful, forward thinking, and innovative banks in the country. Produced by Rachel Morrissey, Senior Producer, Provoke Media