Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

EoT: Enough Of Things and Phygital Explained (Burkay Alpyildiz and Jason Barnard)

January 26, 2023

Burkay Alpyildiz talks with Jason Barnard about EoT: Enough of things and phygital explained.

Burkay Alpyildiz is a Phygital Experience Leader, Serial Entrepreneur and Managing Director. After a solid engineering education, Burkay focused more on project management, international business and experience design. He founded or co-founded companies that had great success in their fields and had significant differences that made them unique in the industry. His primary expertise is developing products and solutions to industry problems. With his ability to manage complex projects, he is known in the industry as a problem solver. Burkay takes a holistic approach to designing digital experiences and believes that each link in the value chain has a major impact on the final product or service that the end consumer engages. His value-added products and services have received multiple awards from top management. In addition to his professional work, Burkay volunteers for SCORE Mentors in Metro NJ Chapter, which includes Union, Hudson and Essex counties. He mentors hundreds of small business owners and start-ups on their path to success. He is the "Most Valuable Player" at SCORE Metro NJ and was recognised nationally in 2020.

More and more companies are taking advantage of technological advances when it comes to meeting the needs of their customers. However, as technology continues to progress, the need for physical workforce is decreasing, and this is a major social impact that can be expected in the coming years. So how does Phygital fit into all of this? Hmmm…

In this incredible episode, the amazing Burkay Alpyildiz explains what phygital means and looks at the fascinating question of how to merge digital and physical experiences for the good of society while avoiding the pitfalls of technological over-acceptance, such as unemployment and social disruption. He delves into the best examples of phygital experiences from Chat GPT and explains how the government is responding through education to the social problems caused by digital progress.

As always, the show ends with passing the baton…Burkay groovily passes the virtual baton to next week’s fantastic guest, Will Laurenson.

What you’ll learn from Burkay Alpyildiz

00:00 Burkay Alpyildiz and Jason Barnard

00:43 Burkay Alpyildiz’s Brand SERP

01:15 Kalicube Support Group

02:08 Burkay Alpyildiz’s Brand SERP in Turkey

02:16 The Reason for Burkay Alpyildiz's Online Presence

05:07 Kalicube Pro Saas for Agencies

05:22 What Does Phygital Mean?

06:09 Phygital Experience Explained 

07:28 The Social Impact of Technological Progress

09:58 What Does Phygital Design Mean?

11:35 How the COVID Pandemic Accelerated the Phygital Transformation

15:01 Examples of Phygital Experiences

17:43 Chat GPT’s Best Examples of Phygital Experience

18:50 Virtual Reality Shopping Experiences in Physical Stores

19:44 Google Glass and Its relationship to Phygital Experience

21:28 Phygital Healthcare Solutions 

25:02 Government Response to Social Issues Caused by Digital Advances

27:47 Passing the Baton: Burkay Alpyildiz to Will Laurenson

This episode was recorded live on video January 17th 2023

Recorded live at Kalicube Tuesdays (Digital Marketing Livestream Event Series). Watch the video now >>