Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Updating content as an SEO strategy (Danny Goodwin with Jason Barnard)

September 15, 2020

Danny Goodwin with Jason Barnard at Kalicube Tuesdays

Danny Goodwyn talks to Jason Barnard about updating content as an SEO strategy.

"If I Had More Time, I Would Have Written Less" - Mark Twain

Search Engine Journal launched an SEO strategy based on updating older articles. To keep up with a changing world, and Google's constantly algorithm, updating older content is a must. However, as discussed in this podcast it is important to understand when content should be reused and when it should be removed.

In this podcast, Danny goes into depth on why sometimes it is easier to look back and reuse old content rather than making new content. This helps avoid repeating the same content in different articles which will not only confuse the audience but also Google on what is most relevant. Competing with other brands' content is already difficult enough so why compete with yourself?

In partnership with Wordlift

What you’ll learn

* 00:05 Introducing Danny Goodwin* 00:16 Updating content rather than creating content* 02:26 Search Engine Journal’s glorious Brand SERP* 05:41 Search Engine Journal’s SEO strategy* 07:15 Who is SEJ's audience?* 09:44 The importance of reviving old content* 12:48 Updating older content Vs. replicating old content* 14:42 Auditing old content*  16:55 Two great reasons for updating your old content* 20:21 How does SEJ marry breaking news and deep-dive studies* 22:20 Correcting content rather than changing content* 23:30 The for and against Skyscraper content (mostly against)* 24:32 Reworking the content on Search Engine Journal*  25:22 How to know what needs to be rewritten and what needs to be removed?* 26:30 Tips and tricks for bundling content* 29:20 Creating new content and correcting said content, which is easier?* 31:40 Search Engine Journal's YouTube channel* 33:18 Creating good content for YouTube
