Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Your Business Means Nothing if People Can’t Find You (Ryan Foland with Jason Barnard)

July 14, 2020

Ryan Foland with Jason Barnard at Kalicube Tuesdays

Ryan Foland talks to Jason Barnard about business and marketing.

Truly effective marketing comes down to ensuring people can find your business when they need your products or services. Sounds simple? It is :)

Ryan talks about his concept of the invisible like - a concept I love because it gives encouragement to all of us with our content creation. We then move on to inbound marketing to help people find your business, and specifically appreciating that your employees are one of the best inbound marketing tools you have at your disposal. I then pull in SEO - how all this could apply to Google and more specifically E-A-T. Ryan beautifully circles back from authority and trust to his 'invisible like'. And we end with the delightful approach that you should 'treat people as people' for your business to thrive. Brilliant;, and well worth listening to.

* 00:50 - Introducing Ryan Foland* 03:40 - The definition of a personal brand (and how to get yours right)* 06:00 - You don't exist if people cannot find you* 08:00 - The invisible like - what it is and how to use it* 11:00 - Using inbound marketing to help people find your business* 11:50 - Why brands need to rely more on their employees' online reach* 14:55 - Why empowering your employees is a boon and not a risk* 16:00 - How the relationship between brands and their employees boosts E-A-T for SEO* 17:40 - Why all of this is the new link building* 18:50 - Do you get hired for your expertise or your experience?* 21:00 - Definitions of Expertise, Authority and Trust…* 21:30 - Why Authority is actually Validation (and how to leverage it)* 22:40 - Get ahead by sharing what didn't go right for you* 25:00 - How to motivate yourself in the face of content that doesn't appear to perform* 26:50 - Where and how to better invest in your employees

Kalicube Tuesdays: Your Business Means Nothing if People Can’t Find You. With Ryan Foland.

Recorded live July 14th 2020. Watch now >>

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