Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

The Wonderful World of SaaS Startups (Paul Bongers with Jason Barnard)

December 08, 2019

Paul talks about the rarity of tech startups that actually survive... and the even more rare case of one that succeeds. Part of that is educating the audience for a new innovative product they didn't know they needed. In this space, the new product is often the solution a company created to a problem they had... and then open it up to the wider world. Once out to market, the product often needs to adapt. You start with your core market. But then once investors come in, many startups expand the functionality of the product to try to reach a wider client base in order to please the investors. Not always a good idea. Knowing how to pivot is vital. Paul talks me through how SEPO tools have pivoted. And points out the irony that we are amazed that people are talking to their phones, given that Alexander Graham Bell invented it for exactly that purpose.