Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Analysing the Web in Blocks, Chunks, Fraggles, Segments (Dixon Jones with Jason Barnard)

October 07, 2019

Majestic don't keep Dixon informed about very much. Because he can't keep a secret. When they DID tell him what they have been doing for the last year and a half,., he got rather enthusiastic - context around links by analysing around chunks / blocks / segments / sections / fraggles of content… and so scoring content according the context of the segment it is in… text, semantics, link density, images, alt tags and so on. Cool! The fact that Majestic are doing this (and looking at how well they do it) gives us a good indication of how well Google will (probably) doing. Then onto the new link tags, the problems inherent in the UGC tag… And Dixon suggests that Google add a rel=important tag. Dixon digs his grave by suggesting that Google lack variety and are moving to echo chambers… and somehow uses Middle Ages Villages to demonstrate. I get excited about self-fulfilling prophecies and the problems of discoverability and trust for some authoritative content … The World's best content is the very stuff that is buried.