Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

The Wider Lessons from Local SEO and Near Me Searches (Paul O’Donoghue with Jason Barnard)

October 02, 2019

We start with a discussion about horrid nicknames at school (that were secret until today) Then we move quickly onto local search and near-me information. There are more near me searches now than ever before - both explicitly expressed in words, and increasingly  by geo localisation. We are now expecting local results within 500 metres, down from 5km in just 6 years. Local search is all about the answers. And that is increasingly true of the wider world of search. Local search also brings to the fore that online / offline are intertwined.  And that is increasingly true of the wider world of search.  Google is now pulling in information from all sorts of sources. And that is increasingly true of the wider world of search. The parallels go on and on… Being in local search is the best place to be for digital marketing now. Getting that right is the starting point for any business - and most get it wrong. Then onto the other players in the near me field - we often forget that “near me” information comes from a variety of sources  in the near me world - Yelp, Facebook, Bing, FourSquare… Local is a global thing.