Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Structured Data, Ontologies, Commonsense Knowledge Graphs – Round Table (Martha Van Berkel, Robin Allenson and Dateme Tubotamuno with Jason Barnard)

September 15, 2019

Three amazingly intelligent and eloquent people help me understand rather a lot of concepts. What is a commonsense Knowledge Graph? Using structured data to manage your data layer. Ontologies are containers full of entities that have relationships (use triples !!!). Lots of philosophy around computer science - specifically ontologies. Entity management is the future (thanks, Greg Gifford). We are all becoming data architects. Three levels of knowledge. Databases expressing opinions. How semantics help sell t-shirt bras. Manage your brand for machines (not just search !). And rather a lot more... Amazing.