Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Selling on Amazon – a More Pessimistic View than Dan (Paula Didone with Jason Barnard)

September 10, 2019

Paula had just given a talk at BrightonSEO in (April 2019 edition). This is a great follow-up to Dan Saunder's episode... Amazon is challenging both for PPC and SEO. PPC can become very expensive very quickly, especially as a side business. Reviews are the key, and the step to getting enough reviews is very big. And when you get enough, your competitors will spam you down, and then Amazon replicate successful products with Amazon Basics… double cut-throat. For SEO, brand is vital. Just like Google, Amazon want to get their users through to the best product / sale as fast as possible. So conversion rates are the single biggest thing to get right. Intent is vital for that, and an opportunity is to be found where your competitors are falling down - just check out their reviews :) Rank well on Amazon, you will probably rank well on Google - I get carried away and suggest you can forget Google-centric SEO, and perhaps dump your website. Paula brings me back to earth. We end with Google's problem of owning path to purchase, but not owning the sale. And Amazon's inverse problem.