Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Brand is the only ranking factor (Ross Tavendale with Jason Barnard)

June 11, 2019

Quick fun discussion about Scottish accents (he says that he sounds like Mrs Doubtfire on Helium). Then onto Brand, Brand, Brand. Ross loves brand :) A great approach to linkbuilding / PR is to help make their life easier... and to make YOUR life easier, scrape their articles and use NLP to write the perfect pitch to each journalist - Ross calls this programmatic PR (and it is brilliant). We manage to get onto Justin Bieber who doesn't have two babies (and Ross makes a brilliant groan-worthy joke). We briefly discuss hacking the social media algorithms - trick is to have a video of my daughter playing with a cat. Onto images and then videos (Ross is enthusiastic) and then trite Cornflake Packet philosophy in PR (Ross is sick in his mouth). Interestingly he was down the Old Kent Road when he started his Bootstrap business. He's not there any more. Quick plug for the Canonical Chronicle - no idea what is in it, but the name is brilliant.