Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

E-A-T – the how, the why and the what to do ! (Lily Ray with Jason Barnard)

May 04, 2019

John Bonham, Keith Moon … Lily Ray. Rock drummer icons all :) Lily sets herself apart because a) she is alive and b) she knows boatloads about E-A-T. We discuss August and March updates. I suggest that Google has a slap-and-reward system. Lily politely ignores that, and gives some very encouraging information about E-A-T. Much of it is an easy fix. She then identifies what the constituent parts of building E-A-T really are. I ask for a lot of free advice. And Lily very kindly gives it to me - she is super practical and smart. We now need to be obsessed by Brand SERPs. And even gossip sites can be useful, as can comic sites… as long as they provide useful information. Pure buzz has no long term value. Trust rank is (perhaps) a thing? Then Lily finishes with a wonderful summary of the fundamental point of an SEO's job.