Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Fastlane Founders and Legacy with Jason Barnard: Personal Branding, AI Strategies, and SEO Insights

Tactics for Organic Traffic Growth (Lukasz Zelezny with Jason Barnard)

April 27, 2019

Lukasz is a drum and bass DJ… so we discuss how many SEOs were once musicians / in the arts. I discover that Lukasz loves stories and adores metaphors - through which he shares super tips for pushing your SEO (reasonably) easily. Lukasz finds a lovely balance between digging dep, and doing simple things that bring quick results that keep your clients happy. The Snapshot method. Gap Analysis. Lukasz shares his favourite Wordpress plugins. I share Wordlift with him and he goes off to investigate. We both get excited about reducing flowery content - be honest, direct, straight to the answer. And we end with a big fat smiley agree-fest !