Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

Branded Search (and Beyond) with Jason Barnard

SEO and AEO in a world without websites (Jono Alderson with Jason Barnard)

February 26, 2019

With the SERP increasingly offering solutions to queries, we are facing world where websites are increasingly less important (as it were). Jono talks extensively about on-SERP SEO, a great continuation of Rand Fishkin's approach last week - communicating across channels, all along the user journey.
Jono quote : SEO is the puppeteering of all the channels.
Jono quote : Not a volume game any more, it's a right-fit and quality game.
Jono quote : Market to everybody and bring them gracefully down the tunnel

Plus we talk about Wordpress, Jono tells me the interview was a Treat (great phrase !)...  and right at the end, we discover that SEOisAEO rhymes with Jono !