The Seniorologie Podcast

The Seniorologie Podcast

What to do if a Client Goes With Another Photographer Over You

August 02, 2023

We are going to dive into one of the not-so-fun topics we cover on the Seniorologie Podcast, but it’s SUCH an important one to discuss. This is something we all face as photographers, no matter where we are in our careers. This one action can really wreak havoc on our mentality, our motivation, and our self-confidence in our business. But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to! In fact, you can take this one situation, and turn it around for the good of you and your business. We are going to talk about what to do if a client goes with another photographer over you. I want you to learn from my experience and let these situations boost your confidence and your career, not hold you back. 

What to do if a Client Goes With Another Photographer Over You
Maintain a Positive Mindset

Let’s start with tip number one: maintain a positive attitude! Raise your hand if you are guilty of throwing your positive attitude out the window when something goes wrong. Okay, I know I can’t see your hands, but this is one of those little things that can completely rob us of our joy. It’s natural to feel a little down when a client chooses someone else, but remember, it’s not a reflection of your talent or worth as a photographer! 

Keep a positive mindset and focus on the incredible work you’ve done in the past and the success stories you’ve created for other clients. Remember what you’ve done and what has gotten you to this place! You didn’t get to where you are without talent and expertise. Celebrate your strengths and acknowledge that not every client will be the right fit for your style. It’s OKAY to miss out on a client. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise that a client didn’t choose to go with you. Maybe it’s opening up the door for another amazing dream client who is just around the corner. The point is, you just never know what is in store for you. So keep your head up! 

Seek Feedback (And Act on it!)

Feedback is invaluable, especially in moments like these. Reach out to the client in a professional manner, thanking them for considering you and your services. Then, politely ask if they could share their reasons for choosing another photographer. Emphasize that you’re seeking ways to improve your services and genuinely value their input. Once you have their feedback, take it constructively. Analyze if there are any consistent points or areas where you can enhance your offering. Use this as an opportunity to grow and evolve as a photographer.

Remember, constructive feedback is a good thing! It helps us to push ourselves and grow. Don’t take this closed door as a sign that your business is failing or you don’t know what you’re doing, but take it as an opportunity to adjust and grow in areas you may not have thought about before.

Another great area to seek feedback in is true a trusted friend, business coach, or veteran photographer. If you don’t know of anyone to ask for feedback on your process, shoot me an email or a DM! I would love to chat with you and help you find areas within your business that might need a little extra attention. 

Strengthen Your Unique Selling Points

One of the best ways to stand out in a competitive market is to focus on your unique selling points. Consider what sets you apart from other photographers and make those qualities shine even brighter. Whether it’s your approach to capturing emotion, your personalized client experience, or your use of innovative techniques, embrace what makes you special! Share your distinct qualities through your website, social media, and even in your initial communications with potential clients. Emphasize the value they will gain by choosing you, making it clear that you offer something truly unique.

Maybe it’s the style you use to capture your photos. Maybe it’s the pre-session prep you do to ensure that your clients have everything they need on shoot day to feel comfortable and relaxed. Or maybe it’s the free gift you include at the end of each session. These are just a few examples, but you know what it is about you and your skillset and business that makes you unique! Don’t be afraid to really display your unique selling proposition in your marketing materials, your website, and even your calls with potential clients. 

Build a Strong Brand Presence

Your brand presence is crucial for attracting and retaining clients. Take some time to evaluate your branding strategy. In fact, I have an entire episode dedicated to brand presence so if you are new to that terminology, please go check it out! I am a HUGE proponent of knowing your brand and building a presence for it. But here are a few quick tips to help elevate your brand presence:

  • Ensure that your website, portfolio, and social media profiles are updated and showcase your best work. 
  • Creating consistency in your visual branding and messaging will help you appear more professional and reliable.
  • Leverage the power of storytelling through your online presence. 
  • Share behind-the-scenes moments, client testimonials, and even personal anecdotes that connect with your audience. 
  • This creates a deeper emotional bond and builds trust with potential clients.
Network and Collaborate

Networking and collaboration are invaluable for any photographer’s growth. If you aren’t already, make sure you start connecting with other professionals in the industry, both locally and online. 

Attend photography events, workshops, and meetups to expand your circle and learn from others. Consider partnering with other local businesses, such as event planners, tux rentals, or flower shops. These collaborations can lead to referrals and opportunities for joint projects that showcase your expertise. One of the BEST ways to grow your business is through word-of-mouth referrals. And when you know the right people and establish good relationships with them, you will find so many opportunities to refer one another and help each other out! I love to see connections made and business owners supporting one another. Don’t forget to take the time to really invest in your community and network, network, network! 

What to do if a Client Goes With Another Photographer Over You

Remember friends, it’s entirely normal to face some rejections in this business. The key is to turn these moments into opportunities for growth and improvement. Stay positive, seek feedback, and celebrate your uniqueness. Strengthen your brand presence, and never underestimate the power of networking and collaboration! After you finish reading this, take some time to evaluate if you might be lacking in one of these areas within your own business. If so, take some time to strategize and find areas where you can improve! Remember, we never stop learning and growing. There are infinite opportunities for us!


If you need more help with growing your senior photography business, making 4 -figures per senior session, and becoming the go-to senior photographer in your area, The Seniorologie Semester is a six-month coaching program specifically designed for you!  This program includes marketing to seniors and parents, building websites that convert visitors into clients, pricing your work for profit, creating an amazing experience seniors want to be a part of, and so much more! The Senioroligie Semester is currently open for enrollment! If you are ready to take the senior side of your business to the next level, book senior clients on repeat, and make 4 figures per session, the Seniorologie Semester is for you!  You can learn more about it by visiting

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