The Seniorologie Podcast

The Seniorologie Podcast

5 Things I Stopped Doing In My Business To Get Me Where I Am

July 27, 2023

In this post, I am going to share 4 things that I stopped doing in my business to get me where I am today. Whether you are an up-and-coming senior photographer, or you’ve been in the game for years, these 5 things might just be what’s holding you back from the success you want to achieve. So, grab a notebook and a pen, and get ready to change your business for the better! 

5 Things I Stopped Doing In My Business To Get Me Where I Am
Stop Posting for Photographers

Do you ever scroll through Instagram or Facebook and all you see are photographers posting content directed at other photographers? Now don’t get me wrong, if your niche is to teach other photographers how to improve their craft, grow their business, etc., then of course, the content you are going to put out is going to be directed at other photographers. But if you are a senior photographer who is trying to attract more clients…aka seniors and their parents….then don’t post content that will only resonate with other photographers!

Back in the day, I was just a senior photographer, not a coach. I didn’t start out with my Seniorologie podcast and programs, I was photographing seniors just like you! I made the mistake of mixing in different content that would appeal to different audiences, thinking it would help me cover more ground, but really it just slowed down my exposure rate. Social media is one of the BEST places to connect with your ideal clients. Teenagers are all over social media platforms these days and they will notice your content if it is directed at them. Share some photos from your most recent shoots with an attention-grabbing caption like, “Want senior photos like this? Send me a DM!” Create a reel that shows the behind-the-scenes of one of your photoshoots and how you personalize the experience for each senior. Remember to keep your eye on the prize and put out content that is going to get you where you want to be! 

Buying More Gear

Mistake #2 I made that held back my growth was buying too much gear. I know what you are probably thinking, you need the latest and greatest lenses and lighting, and lens hoods to get more clients and provide better-quality work. But here’s the thing: You can grow a business without all the gear. Back in the day, it was just me, my camera, and two lenses. As I was trying to grow my business, I started to look at what other photographers were using, what was new in the market, and what the internet was telling me I “needed” to have. All this caused me to do was waste money on big-ticket items that I honestly rarely used and only ended up collecting dust in my house. Listen, it’s okay to start small with the gear you have. And it’s okay to stay small with the gear you have even when you grow! Just figure out what your essentials are, and stick with it. After all, what is going to sell your business to clients isn’t all the fancy gear in the world, it’s YOU! 

Stop Trying to Avoid Failure

The next mistake I had to stop making was: avoiding failure. It might sound strange, but as photographers, we have to stop trying to avoid failure! Mistakes are how we learn! Of course, it sounds nice to be extra prepared and extra cautious and set ourselves up to never make a single mistake, but 1. Who has time to do all that? And 2. Lack of failure means a lack of trying!  I am not saying you should go and try crazy new things with your clients, or stop caring about the level of professionalism and skill you are providing. I am saying that you should allow yourself space to try new things, experiment with your craft, and FAIL! 

Failing means you are growing and evolving. Highly successful people cannot be afraid of risk and failure. Otherwise, they would never reach success! When I was looking to scale and grow my business, I definitely tried things that did not work out. Growing requires a bit of trial and error, and finding exactly what works for you! If you are ready to grow your business, don’t be afraid of taking risks. 

Don’t Expect Success to Happen Overnight 

Lastly, I want to talk about something I think a lot of us can fall victim to without even realizing it.

We see other photographers who have really successful businesses, more clients, more income, etc. and we think, why was it so easy for them? How did they get there so quickly and so seamlessly? Here’s the thing: success doesn’t happen overnight. We look at others’ success and just assume that they have always been at the top. And then we look at our own 4,5, how every many year long career and think, I can never get to where they are…why is it so much harder for me? 

Success is not easy. It’s complex and it doesn’t happen overnight for ANYONE. Success is a result of hard work, time, and effort. And success rarely happens to any two people the same way! I know it’s so easy to get caught up in what others are doing and think well I want the same success, so I will do exactly what they do, but it just doesn’t work that way. I didn’t get my business to where it is now overnight! I’ve been in the game for 12 years now. I am not even close to where I was just a few years ago. It’s been a slow and steady build that has required a lot of time and dedication. 

I struggled with wanting to see my business grow faster than it did, and eventually, I had to just give up that struggle and desire. We cannot expect ourselves to meet an unrealistic expectation of success overnight because it simply isn’t possible. Every day is a chance for you to be a better photographer and a better version of yourself. Set realistic goals and expectations, and stay consistent! Your hard work will pay off. And remember, you literally cannot be anyone but yourself. So don’t compare your journey to the journeys of others. 

Stop Worrying About Your Competition

Spending all your energy worrying about what your competition is doing is a waste of time.  It doesn’t matter what they are doing, it doesn’t matter what they are charging, it doesn’t matter that they are giving all the digitals away. What matters is that you pave your own path, create a business that stands out from your competition, and not let what others are doing dictate what you do in your own business. Put your blinders on and make decisions for you and your business that are right for you! There is a photographer for everyone. 

Your clients are out there waiting on you to share what makes you different and why they should work with you over anyone else! Concentrate on what you do well and share it with your potential clients. Create a business that works for you and your family, not a business that is like everyone else’s. Write down what makes you unique, what you offer your clients that is different than others, and how you treat your clients that is different than others, make this list and use it to keep you focused on what you do not what others do! Post it somewhere that you will see it daily and remind yourself of what you do that is valuable to your clients! 

Fill in the blanks…

I offer ______

My clients love that I _______

Clients book me because _________

Use these things to keep doing what you do best!  Being you!!  And stop worrying about the photographer down the street!

5 Things I Stopped Doing In My Business To Get Me Where I Am

Do you identify with any of these 4 things? If so, I want to encourage you to do this: Write down 5 affirmations for you and your business. Put them on a cute decorated piece of paper, put them on a sticky note, I don’t care. Just write down four affirmations and put them somewhere you will see them every single day. Maybe on your bathroom mirror, above your kitchen sink, or in your car. I want you to read those 5 affirmations every single day to yourself and believe them to be true! You are your biggest critique and your biggest enemy when it comes to your business. We can so easily hold ourselves back, but enough is enough! You can do whatever you set your mind to!


If you need more help with growing your senior photography business, making 4 -figures per senior session, and becoming the go-to senior photographer in your area, The Seniorologie Semester is a six-month coaching program specifically designed for you!  This program includes marketing to seniors and parents, building websites that convert visitors into clients, pricing your work for profit, creating an amazing experience seniors want to be a part of, and so much more! The Senioroligie Semester is currently open for enrollment! If you are ready to take the senior side of your business to the next level, book senior clients on repeat, and make 4 figures per session, the Seniorologie Semester is for you!  You can learn more about it by visiting

The post 5 Things I Stopped Doing In My Business To Get Me Where I Am appeared first on Seniorologie.