Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Ep. 190: Adopt, Adapt, or Disappear!
When you look around, what do you see?
Do you see a crazy world?
I mean, with COVID-19, politics, health care, school scares, everything happening, it’s easy to think the world is nuts!
Or are you looking around seeing one thing: opportunity.
It’s time to step up and serve, filling the void that is left when other agents put their heads in the sand, waiting for things to pass.
If you’re out there pushing the envelope, looking for ways to serve, you’re going to find yourself ahead of the game when everything takes off again!
This week on the Tip Tuesday episode of the Selling the Dream podcast, I’m echoing again what you’ve heard from me before! You’ve got to adopt, adapt, or you’re going to disappear!
Thanks for joining us on Selling the Dream - we wouldn’t be where we are without you listening, and giving your feedback! Make sure that you give us a rating and review on iTunes: that would mean the world to me, and will help us get even more amazing guests on our Friday episodes of the show.
Highlights of this episode:
These past few months have been crazy!
Are you sitting back thinking about all that has happened, and what to do next?
This is opportunity! We need to be looking around for new ways to serve others around us!
Look for the voids that other agents are leaving behind, and serve others around you!
Don’t look at this as a terrible time, look at it as a way to step up!
If you get out there and push the envelope, you will be miles ahead of agents out there with their heads in the sand waiting for this to pass!
Tell your customers that you are there for them, and be the leader that they need!
Adapt, adopt, or disappear!
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As always, thanks for listening. Don’t forget, you’re not selling real estate: you’re selling the dream.
See you next time!