Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Ep. 181: Matt Farnham Teaches Logistics of Running a Successful Team
Are you offering value to a lot of people? Are you sharing that value with the people around you?
Sharing value was something that Matt Farnham fell in love with. He wanted to give back to others for all the information that had been given to him!
Team was a logical step for Matt Farnham. See, Matt was creating value for agents!
He wasn’t looking to grow his own team, he was simply churning out content and providing value for other real estate agents!
If you gave him your business card, he’d connect with you, and bring you as much value as he could!
Through his email list, videos, and social media posts, Matt is able to impact thousands of agents, helping them learn how to be exceptional at their work!
It’s only natural then, that Matt would be part of a high performing team!
I’m excited to sit down and talk to Matt today about the logistics of running a team, how he creates valuable content, and his advice to new agents considering the real estate business!
You won’t want to miss this week’s episode of the Selling the Dream podcast!
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Highlights of this episode:
Tom introduces the episode and this week’s guest, Matt Farnham!
“I realized how much value I've gotten from so many other folks that it influenced me to want to share.” ~ Matt
Matt shares how he and his team deliver content to other agents, so they can learn!
They use a combination of emails, videos, and social media to help communicate with other agents.
Creating value is a marathon: keep consistently creating content that serves others, and you will grow!
Matt talks about the value of the email list, and the personal connections that it represents!
Considering Bomb Bomb? You’ll be amazed at the open rates it brings in!
While the work that Matt does is not meant to recruit, it does help show people how to recruit!
Document, don’t create! Show people real life!
In his previous episode, Matt was about to make some huge changes in his business! He shares an update on how that went!
Trying to figure out if you should join a team or be on your own? There’s no one way! Find out what drives you, and go with that!
Are you a team leader? Create value in the culture of your team.
If you’re the team leader, you’re a mentor and guide. These other agents will be relying on your help and leadership skills.
Tom shares about his content calendar, and how his team is growing and working on creating and achieving.
Matt shares about his team, and how they all work together.
Want to text Matt? He has a grasshopper system that will push your contact to three different agents on his team to connect with you!
If you’re a brand new agent, look at your team! Check out that model; see how you’re working and spending all of your time! A team will help you find some form of balance if that is what you’re looking for.
If you’re an agent considering starting a team, think about all that it entails, and make sure you are ready to lead the team!
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As always, thanks for listening. Don’t forget, you’re not selling a home: you’re selling the dream.
See you next time!