Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Ep. 179: April Mastermind Replay

May 15, 2020

Are you missing getting together with other agents, and brainstorming ways to grow your business?

Then you won’t want to miss our mastermind meeting replays!

You’re going to want to be a “fly on the wall” to hear about what we’re seeing in the market as a result of COVID, how we’re handling buyers who may have cold feet about buying second homes, and how we’re all facing an ever-changing real estate market!

Any real estate agent who has been in the business for a while knows what happens during an economic downturn: people decide that this isn’t the industry for them!

If sales are drying up, income isn’t coming in! And that’s where people start jumping into more “consistent” careers.

When you take time to invest in your business, and keep encouraging each other in best practices, you’ll be able to get that boost that you need!

That said, we’d love to invite you to “join” us and listen in!

You can hear us talking all about what’s happening in our markets, how we’re responding to the pandemic, and how we’re planning for the future! You won’t want to miss this week’s episode of the Selling the Dream podcast!

Before we dive in: join an amazing network of the best second home agents. Make sure that you create your free profile on the Second Home Agents website? Go over and get started: it’s FREE to join. Click here to register, fill out your profile and get listed today.

Highlights of this episode:

  • Tom introduces the episode and this week’s topic, the April Mastermind!

  • The group discusses some of the unique factors contributing to how sales are going during COVID-19!

  • It’s time to use virtual tours to help sell these second homes! When you’re selling a second home, it’s not as urgent as some first home buyers are!

  • “Load the cannon” so that when the time comes that people are buying, you are primed and ready.

  • Honor people where they are at: don’t be too pushy, but hear their needs and know how you can meet them!

  • Be aware of how you’re marketing on social media: don’t just pounce on people who may want to sell, but be aware of the state of things!

  • Focus on helping people, not just selling! Be a guide and helper!

  • Pick and choose what you do: your options are like a buffet table, and there are so many to choose from!

  • Tom shares about the Maui Minute - one minute videos to help show people the area!

  • Show people what life is like, exactly where you are at!

  • Different realtors on the call share how they are handling sales and showings during COVID.

  • When you’re in the second home market, you do get used to Zoom and remote showings, and connecting from a distance! Now everyone is working on learning those tools and figuring out new processes!

  • Everyone shares resources that they are using to help them work remotely.

  • How will the housing market be impacted? People share their theories, and how they are working with their clients and leads.

  • If you wait for the market to bottom out, you’re going to miss out!

  • Get ready for your state association to come out with guidelines on how you handle showings.

  • How can video impact your sales? Time to discuss!

  • Afraid that going virtual will work you out of a job? Never! You’re the one connecting all the dots and connecting your people!

  • Be ready to deal with clients who may be watching fluctuations in the market and are freaking out! You’re there to help them.

  • Be creative and explore your options.

  • If you have clients who want to pull their homes off the market, encourage them to keep them up! That way, people can find them in searches!

  • Don’t forget to subscribe to the Selling the Dream podcast so you don’t miss any new episodes! Leave a review: you never know when it will be read on the show!

Hey everybody, thank you so much for spending time with us today: would you do me a giant favor and share this podcast with fellow realtors, and leave a review. Your reviews help this podcast get shared with more people.

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Have you made your free profile on the Second Home Agents website? Go over and get started: it’s FREE. Click here to register, make your profile and get listed today.

As always, thanks for listening. Don’t forget, you’re not selling a home: you’re selling the dream.


See you next time!
