Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Ep. 176: Should You be an Optimist, or a Pessimist?

May 05, 2020

If you were asked if you should be an optimist, or a pessimist, which would you choose?

The optimist, right? I mean, who likes being around a pessimistic person?

I heard a story once, where in a prison camp, the optimists struggled!

“We’re going to be freed soon,” they said! They’d look forward to the date when they’d be liberated….and then nothing happened!

When their optimistic hopes were not met, they were crushed!

This week on the Tip Tuesday episode of the Selling the Dream podcast, here to share the attitude and mindset that you need to have to survive the turbulence of these unknown times!

Thanks for joining us on Selling the Dream - we wouldn’t be where we are without you listening, and giving your feedback! Make sure that you give us a rating and review on iTunes: that would mean the world to me, and will help us get even more amazing guests on our Friday episodes of the show.

Highlights of this episode:

  • Should you be an optimist, or a pessimist?

  • I’ve always looked at myself as being the eternal optimist!

  • An optimist looks at a glass as half full, while the pessimist sees it as half empty!

  • The realist sees it as what we’ve got to work with, so gotta make it last!

  • Right now, there is no playbook; there is no precedence for a global pandemic.

  • We don’t know when the next paycheck is coming, so we’ve got to just do the best that we realistically can with what we have!

  • This is where an optimistic viewpoint can come in and help you find opportunity!

  • You’ll have an amazing career if you can weather these times and create opportunities for yourself!

Hey everybody, thank you so much for spending time with us today: would you do me a giant favor and share this podcast with fellow realtors, and leave a review. Your reviews help this podcast get shared with more people. If there’s ever a topic that you’d like to hear us cover on the podcast, just send me a message: my contact information is below.

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As always, thanks for listening. Don’t forget, you’re not selling real estate: you’re selling the dream.


See you next time!
