Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Ep. 85: Doug Devitre on Using Screen-to-Screen Selling to Reach Second Home Buyers

June 21, 2019

What happens when you’re working in a secondary home market, and many of your clients and leads don’t live close by?

Many of the homes that you sell are going to be second, and maybe even third, fourth, or fifth homes. These are the dream homes; the vacation homes that your clients have always wanted.

These homes may be in harder-to-get to locations, or your clients and leads live in different cities.

This increases the chances that your interactions with your clients are going to be on the screen: but how can use screens and video to be able to better connect with your clients, helping lead them in a personal, easy home-buying experience?

We all know that face-to-face contact often yields the best connection and communication, but sometimes, it just isn’t practical.

Today, Doug Devitre is here on the podcast to talk about his experiences serving real estate agents in using video and screens to connect even more effectively. He’s made thousands of videos, and is a pro at connecting with people through the screen. He’s here to share some of his favorite tips and tricks on how you can use video to connect with your clients and build trust, even from a distance.

Highlights of this episode:

  • Tom introduces Doug, his area of expertise, and how he is connected with real estate.

  • How can you use technology to connect with home buyers who may not be able to get on location?

  • First: you have to be willing and able to admit that you have to adapt and change in the industry! Be ready and willing to learn new technology to help you adapt and serve others.

  • Real estate has historically been a face to face business. Now, we have to adapt.

  • That’s where applications like Zoom come into play! You can use Zoom for FREE to have video meetings.

  • By the way: you don’t have to have fancy equipment to record! Doug is using his cell phone and mic!

  • You can also play with virtual backgrounds on programs like Zoom to personalize the experience.

  • Consumers are familiar with apps like FaceTime: but if you have a client that is an Android user, that’s not going to work! You have to find programs and apps that work no matter the operating system.

  • Video helps you communicate more effectively: let’s say you get a lead, and you give them a link to have a Zoom call! They get to see you face to face, you pull up the MLS, show them some places, learn about what they are looking for, and build that trust.

  • You can also do virtual open houses: have a Zoom link on your site, and invite people to come join the event!

  • If you use your computer, you can get a good HD webcam for around $100 - that will help you as you use video more extensively!

  • You can also try the app Marco Polo: this is a video walkie-talkie on your phone that you can use to communicate with your leads and clients.

  • Just a tip: put a smiley face sticker next to your webcam - people tend to frown when they’re thinking or typing, use a reminder to help you smile and be engaging and inviting!

  • Look at Alexa: think “voice first” in serving your clients. These Alexa devices are being used in smart homes to help create a user experience.

Hey everybody, thank you so much for spending time with us today: would you do me a giant favor and share this podcast with fellow realtors, and leave a review. Your reviews help this podcast get shared with more people.

Special thanks to Doug Devitre for being on the show! You can connect with her here:

Connect with me (Tom):

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As always, thanks for listening. Don’t forget, you’re not selling a home: you’re selling the dream.


See you next time!