Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Selling the Dream: A Podcast for Resort & 2nd Home Real Estate Agents

Ep. 77: Quick Tips on How to Increase Your Referrals by William Tong

May 21, 2019

Ready to see an uptick of referrals?

It’s relatively simple: once you get good at connecting people, and providing incredible value to others, you’ll become a master of referrals. You’ll gain a reputation among other agents as being someone they can trust to care for their clients.

Becoming a master of referrals for second home agents is important because your market is unique. They’ve already been through the home-buying process before, and want to know that they are working with an expert. You know how to uniquely serve them.

William Tong is here for a Tip Tuesday episode of the podcast, sharing how he has become a master of referrals, and how they drive his business.

Highlights of this episode:

  • Tom introduces William

  • Give and share information with everyone! Gain a reputation for being generous in the value that you provide.

  • If other agents know that you put clients first, they will feel good about giving you that referral.

  • Be intentional about connecting people with the best connections.

  • Events are an incredible way to connect with agents.

  • At events that he attends, William wears a red polo and uses the hashtag #ReferralRed - get known for

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As always, thanks for listening. Don’t forget, you’re not selling a home: you’re selling the dream.


See you Friday for a full episode!
