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16 Million Items Fulfilled at Printful - Raitis Purins

July 24, 2020

Raitis Purins Head of Marketing at Printful

Raitis is the Head of Marketing at Printful, one of the market’s leading print-on-demand/ drop-shipping business with more than 800 employees

The company has fulfilled more than 16 million items since its founding in 2013.

Raitis joined the team 3 years ago and has since then led the winning marketing strategy and execution and scaled the marketing team from 5 to 50 people.

He is responsible for content marketing, SEO, PPC, CRO, PR, and affiliate marketing.

Questions for Raitis about Printful

* First of all congratulations, I know you just became a dad* What is a print-on-demand business model and why is it growing globally?*  Besides Shopify can I connect Printful to other platforms like Etsy or Amazon*  After I get an order the process is automated?*  What 3 tips would you give to anyone starting an eCommerce store from scratch?* Is there a way for listeners to use print-on-demand to increase their brand recognition?* How important is SEO for a new eCommerce company?* Does Printful do FIFO first in first out, or can some clients gain priority?* What is the lowest hanging fruit for SEO for people starting out* What are printful's fulfillment warehouse services

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