Self Made Strategies

143: Robert L. Mickles – Making “Off-Time” Happen
On this episode, you will hear from Robert L. Mickles, the Co-Founder/Director/Editor of 360 Digital Studios. Rob is a filmmaker based out of Croydon, Pennsylvania, who has been doing full service production studio work, with a knack for collaboration, since before attending college. Video production takes Rob all over the world. He typically serves the following areas: Philadelphia, NYC/NJ, DMV area (DE/MD/VA/D.C), Texas, California, Las Vegas and Florida.
His new film, "Off-Time," is a passion project that has taken almost a decade to complete. He and his business partner, Brian, have self-funded most of the project, all while keeping up with client work.
Check out 360 Digital Studios:
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On this episode you will hear about:
* How Rob and Brian built 360 Digital and worked their way up to a flourishing production company.
* Why they invested in RED cameras, taking a risk on (very) expensive tools.
* How Rob worked on his new film, "Off-Time," on the side and how they managed to self-fund the majority of the project.
* Rob's advice on how to keep your team motivated and working toward a long term goal.
* How Rob keeps a fresh eye when editing his own work.
Production Credits:
The Self Made Strategies Podcast is a SoftStix Productions LLC jawn. This episode was hosted, produced, and edited by Tony Lopes, with support from Director of Photography, Michael Leary ( The episode was recorded live, although we were socially distanced, and 360 Digital Studios (Croydon, PA).
Executive Producer - Tony Lopes (SoftStix Productions LLC -
Host/Director - Tony Lopes
Guest - Robert L. Mickles
Director of Photography - Michael Leary
Editor - Tony Lopes
The Self Made Strategies Podcast is sponsored by CollegeCast LLC (
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