Self Made Strategies

Self Made Strategies

115: Nabwana Isaac – The Tarantino of Uganda

March 11, 2021

Episode 115 - Nabwana Isaac
Self Made Strategies is now also available on the Self Made Strategies YouTube Channel:

You are about to hear an amazing and inspirational story about an entrepreneur who is based in Uganda.  Nabwana Isaac is a filmmaker, producer, director, editor, and director of photography, based in Kampala, Uganda.

He is the owner and founder of Ramon Film Productions, as well as Wakaliwood (  Wakaliwood is a film studio based in Wakaliga, Uganda.  Its founder, Nabwana IGG (our guest), has been called Uganda's Tarantino, as well being referred to as the Steven Spielberg of Uganda.  His action movies are frequently made for less than $200, and sold by the cast and crew (before the black market bootlegs make furhter revenue generation impossible).

Become a PATREON of Wakaliwood here:
On this episode you will hear:

* Isaac's first exposure to filmmaking (which was actually just hearing about the movies, showing at the local cinema halls, from his brothers)
* How Chuck Norris and Clint Eastwood, influenced and inspired Nabwana's movie making style
* Isaac's 3 month journey to learn to use the software at his disposal
* How Isaac leveraged every opportunity to become a filmmaker
* Isaac's life as a brick-maker, saving as much as he could to buy his first camera
* How his grandfather inspired Isaac to focus on his talents and chase his dreams
* The naysayers that would tell Isaac he would not be able to shoot action films on his budget, and how Isaac overcame them

Production Credits:
This Self Made Strategies Podcast is a SoftStix Productions LLC jawn. This episode was hosted, produced and edited by Tony Lopes, in Philly, PA USA.  Nabwana Isaac joined us remotely, via Zoom, from Kampala, Uganda.

The Self Made Strategies Podcast is sponsored by Lopes Law LLC (

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