Self Made Strategies

Self Made Strategies

113: Jessica Wolfson – Finding Success Through Multiple Projects at Different Stages

February 25, 2021

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113: Jessica Wolfson - Finding Success Through Multiple Projects at Different Stages

On this episode, we bring you the Self Made Strategies of Jessica Wolfson.  Jessica is a video and film Director & Producer with a strong track record and expertise in curating creative content in complex fast-paced environments.  Jessica has also worked as a marketing strategist for traditional and digital distribution, develops and manages dynamic multi-platform marketing strategies for theatrical, TV, home video, and digital releases.

Jessica has worked in many roles from director to post production supervisor.  She manages budgets, scripts, schedules, crew, cast, locations, sets, as well as post production and distribution sales.  She often works as a creative or distribution consultant for filmmakers, guiding them through the production and release processes.

She additionally works in strategic marketing and impact producing for both traditional and digital distribution companies and have created and managed dynamic multi-platform marketing strategies for theatrical, television, VOD, SVOD, home video, and digital releases.  She develops cross-promotional plans with strategic partnerships that result in building awareness and generating sales.  Additionally, Jessica has overseen social media channels to develop strategies, engaging content, sizzle reels and trailers, and analyze data to improve digital campaigns for both brands and individual titles.

Jessica's specialties include: Documentary and Independent Films, Television, Branded Content, Strategic Marketing and Impact Producing.

You check out Jessica's film projects and more by visiting her website:
On this episode you will hear Jessica discuss:

* How every project (film or otherwise) is a learning and growth experience
* Why you need to start with the basics
* The elements of storytelling
* How Jessica broke into the film business, and later into independent film consulting
* Jessica worked on many projects at once, but at different levels, and how that facilitated her success
* Jessica's best practices for keeping your priorities, and saying "no" to projects that do not align with those priorities
* How Jessica has survived as an entrepreneur and mom of two

Production Credits:
This Self Made Strategies Podcast is a SoftStix Productions LLC jawn. This episode was hosted, produced and edited by Tony Lopes, in Philly, PA USA.  Jessica Wolfson joined us remotely, via Zoom, from Austin, TX.

The Self Made Strategies Podcast is sponsored by Lopes Law LLC (

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