The Business Pit Stop

The Business Pit Stop

FBPS 20: Saying It Once

May 14, 2018

Family Business  Pit Stop: Episode 20- Saying It Once

The Family Business Pit Stop, EOS, Entrepreneurial Operating System, Whittle and Partners

Podcast Description

Professional small business consultants and father and son duo Jeff and Clayton give strategies for success in running a small business, family business, or start up. After years as implementers of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a system that has helped 4000 businesses break through the ceiling, Jeff and Clayton are expanding their small business, and want to share their unique perspective in bringing the Entrepreneurial Operating System to a small business.

Episode Description

Too often we see leadership teams from businesses of all shapes and sizes fall into what we call the "doom loop". That's when the team gets stuck talking ABOUT an issue instead of actually solving it.

We all know what the result of this is: useless meetings in which people drone on about their opinion, argue, and eventually tune out and end up checking email. You all sit in a room and waste an hour of your lives.

In this episode we polish off our series on ending endless meetings that don't solve anything by exploring the quote by Gino Wickman, "Say it once. Anything else is politicking."

We get into the difference between polite conversations and leadership team meetings, and really put a point on the idea that calling someone out for repeating themselves should be OK in your office.

EOS Consultation Call, 90 minute meeting

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Whittle & Partners is a consulting group that provides EOS™ Implementation in the United States and beyond. We offer in-person and online solutions to fit your business and schedule.Visit our about us page to learn how and why we love bringing Dallas Traction.