The Business Pit Stop

The Business Pit Stop

FBPS 14: The Five Leadership Abilities

April 09, 2018

Family Business  Pit Stop: Episode 14: The 5 Leadership Abilities

The Family Business Pit Stop, EOS, Entrepreneurial Operating System, Whittle and Partners

Podcast Description

Professional small business consultants and father and son duo Jeff and Clayton give strategies for success in running a small business, family business, or start up. After years as implementers of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a system that has helped 4000 businesses break through the ceiling, Jeff and Clayton are expanding their small business, and want to share their unique perspective in bringing the Entrepreneurial Operating System to a small business.

Episode Description


In this episode Jeff and Clayton introduce and discuss the five leadership abilities. Those abilities are:

  • Simplify
  • Delegate
  • Predict
  • Systems
  • Structure

These are simple ideas that, if truly followed in your organization, radically change how the people that work for or with you approach daily issues. How do you do that? Simple; whenever a problem or issue arises you go through each ability and ask yourself how you could address this problem or issue through that lense.

  • Simplify: How can I simplify this? Am I making this issue/process/decision more complicated than it needs to be?
  • Delegate: Does this task fall on the right person? If not, why not and who should it be under?
  • Predict: What numbers can I measure today that give me the information I need to act proactively about future issues?
  • Systems: Is my organization doing what it does to the best of its ability? Could it be done faster, smarter, cheaper, or more efficiently?
  • Structure: Does my organization have the right structure to address this and other issues that are confronting it today?


It's that simple. If you'd like to learn more about how The Five Leadership Abilities can be employed in any organization, please visit us at

EOS Consultation Call, 90 minute meeting

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Contact US for a free  consultation phone call on what the Entrepreneurial Operating System can do for you.

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Whittle & Partners is a consulting group that provides EOS™ Implementation in the United States and beyond. We offer in-person and online solutions to fit your business and schedule.Visit our about us page to learn how and why we love bringing Dallas Traction.