The Business Pit Stop

The Business Pit Stop

FBPS 12: Knowing When To Hire

March 14, 2018

Family Business  Pit Stop: Episode 12- Knowing When To Hire

The Family Business Pit Stop, EOS, Entrepreneurial Operating System, Whittle and Partners

Podcast Description

Professional small business consultants and father and son duo Jeff and Clayton give strategies for success in running a small business, family business, or start up. After years as implementers of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a system that has helped 4000 businesses break through the ceiling, Jeff and Clayton are expanding their small business, and want to share their unique perspective in bringing the Entrepreneurial Operating System to a small business.

Episode Description

In this episode of The Family Business Pit Stop Jeff and Clayton continue the informal conversation they started in the last conversation. They shift into Human Resources Mode as Jeff recalls the first time he had to ask himself, "Should I hire an employee".

Jeff flexes a few of the 5 leadership muscles, by telling Clayton that "should I hire an employee" is the wrong question. Instead, a small business owner should be asking, "Is this the highest, best use of my time".

So.... "Should I Hire An Employee"

This week is a very short episode, but that doesn't mean it doesn't touch on some important topics.

When we talk to a business owner, and it doesn't matter if they have 1 employee or 100, we tell them that they will never Break Through The Ceiling if they don't learn to let go. That doesn't mean letting go of your whole company, of course. But, it does mean learning to let go of the smaller things, the things that hold you back from what Strategic Coach Dan Sullivan calls your Unique Ability™.

We call this learning to Delegate and Elevate™ in an EOS™ world. If you are asking yourself, "should I hire an employee", a good first step is learning to Delegate and Elevate.

Tools For Hiring

Not every potential hire is created equal. Once you decide you do need to hire a new employee, it's important to nail down a very defined criteria. When you start hiring, be sure you are hiring Right People for the Right Seats. You can use these 2 simple tools to do so.

Use The People Analyzer

The People Analyzer is a tool from the EOS Toolbox that encourages healthy conversation about a person's role in a company. This tool focuses on their ability (and willingness) to demonstrate Core Values and their GWC (Get it - Want it - Capacity to do it). You can download the People Analyzer here and watch our brief video on how to deploy it in your business.

Core Values™

Core Values are what changes your business into something that is truly representative of you. Core Values are those 3-7 ideas that drive every decision and action in your company. They should be, at least. If your company doesn't have Core Values, be sure to check out our quick guide to building Core Values that can truly inspire.

If you already have Core Values, be sure to live them in every interaction. From client meetings, to hiring interviews, and everything in between. People should see your Core Values written on your wall (literally), but be able to guess them just from interacting with you.

EOS Consultation Call, 90 minute meeting

Need More Help?


Contact US for a free  consultation phone call on what the Entrepreneurial Operating System can do for you.

If you're located in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, we welcome you to join us at our next Event



Whittle & Partners is a consulting group that provides EOS™ Implementation in the United States and beyond. We offer in-person and online solutions to fit your business and schedule.Visit our about us page to learn how and why we love bringing Dallas Traction.