The Business Pit Stop

The Business Pit Stop

10- Gaining Traction With Accountability And Metrics

March 07, 2018

Family Business  Pit Stop: Episode 9 - Unprofessional Rivalry

Podcast Description

Professional small business consultants and father and son duo Jeff and Clayton give strategies for success in running a small business, family business, or start up. After years as implementers of the Entrepreneurial Operating System™ (EOS), a system that has helped 4000 businesses break through the ceiling, Jeff and Clayton are expanding their small business, and want to share their unique perspective in bringing the Entrepreneurial Operating System to a small business.

Episode Description

Jeff and Clayton discuss how rivalry, baggage, and power dynamics can poison a small business or family business. The boys bring in examples from companies they have worked with in the past and touch on the more personal note of Clayton's professional relationship with his brother, Andrew. The team talks about how the Entrepreneurial Operating System's Accountability Chart and Issue Solving Track have helped them largely avoid unhealthy competition or blame throwing in their small business, even though Andrew and Clayton spent more of their childhood wrestling than speaking.


2:00 - How we prepared for rivalry and conflict / Accountability Chart

5:10 - Dealing with conflict when it comes up / The Issues List & Issue Solving Track

6:30 - The EOS tools in action and positive results

The Accountability Chart™

The Accountability Chart, or AC, is a tool in the Entrepreneurial Operating System that is useful for businesses of any size. At its core, an Accountability Chart defines the roles of each individual in a team.

This may sound like something that every team has already done, but you'd be surprised how many small businesses and even major corporations have never taken the time to define the roles explicitly. The consequence is usually conflict or having a team member that doesn't meet the core criteria for a job: Get It, Want It, Have the Capacity to Do It *(WC).

Download a free copy of the EOS Accountability Chart to start building accountability and cooperation.

The Issue Solving Track™

The Issue Solving Track is an extremely powerful tool that we use in our business and is one of the first tools we teach to other businesses. It's so important and effective that it works in businesses of any size and even in helping with personal and family decisions.

How can you start getting Traction with the Issue Solving Track?

Step 1: Identify - Learn how to build an effective issues list.

Step 2: Discuss - Learn to stop politicking and start discussing

Step 3: Solve - Learn to solve problems with actionable accountability


EOS Consultation Call, 90 minute meeting

Need More Help?

Are you experiencing difficulty with Accountability and Rivalry? If so, what are they? What have you done to help prevent this kind of rivalry or competitiveness?

We want to help.


Contact US for a free  consultation phone call on what the Entrepreneurial Operating System can do for you.

If you're located in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, we welcome you to join us at our next Event



Whittle & Partners is a consulting group that provides EOS Implementation in the United States and beyond. We offer in-person and online solutions to fit your business and schedule.Visit our about us page to learn how and why we love bringing Detroit and Dallas Traction.