Self-Care Hacks

Take Care of Yourself Physically During a Crisis | Self-Care Hacks Episode 140
Twenty years ago I discovered what happens when you don’t take care of yourselfself physically during a crisis. Armed with that knowledge, I’ve made different choices this time around.
What Happens When You Don’t Take Care of Yourself Physically During a Crisis?
The first time Pedro had cancer, I failed to take care of myself physically. My mistake caused me years of medical problems, emotional turmoil, and other unintended repercussions. This time around, I know better, and I’m determined to take care of myself physically.
It’s a lot easier this time. Maybe because I know so much more about the importance of self-care, or perhaps because we no longer have young children at home. Now I have a plan and the ability to stick to it. For the past five months, I’ve used iFit (a subscription service that works with my treadmill and stationary bicycle) to make my exercise more meaningful. I realized this summer that although I exercise every day, I do the same routines repeatedly, and I never push myself.
I discovered several trainers I really like on the iFit app, and have started training with a goal in mind. Instead of just plodding, the trainers help me sprint, recover, build muscle, and increase my endurance. If I run on my treadmill, the app will change the incline and speed, forcing me to mix things up.
So although we’re away from home, I’ve kept up my exercise routines. This has helped me stay positive mentally, which in turn makes it easier for me to handle all the stress of Pedro’s treatment and recovery. No matter what adversity your face, whether a crisis or a CRISIS, taking care of yourself physically will improve your chances of weathering the storm with minimal damage to your health.
Show Notes
Improve your health with a hobby (resources of stress and cortisol).
Family bonds improved with shared exercise activities.
The importance of scheduling the important stuff.
You can find healthy recipes here.

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