Self-Care Hacks

Self-Care Hacks

SCH 114 Self-Care Advice for Parents of Adults from Mary DeMuth

August 28, 2022

Parents of adults have a unique opportunity to mentor and befriend their adult children. But first, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves.

This Advice for Parents of Adults Might Surprise You

Ten years after our daughters left the nest, I lost my equilibrium. I adore our daughters, successful adults who own their own homes, have jobs they love, and enjoy good relationships with us and each other. What more could a parent ask of their adult child?

I couldn’t understand why I felt a deep sadness so often. While I rejoiced because our adult kids felt comfortable enough to confess secrets from their childhood to me, their confessions rocked me in ways I never expected. I ended up going to a therapist for the first time ever (something I probably should have done years ago).

Instead of wallowing in my sadness and letting it affect all of my key relationships, I sought help. My wise counselor told me I shouldn’t let satan steal my joy over parenting mistakes I made in the past. At the end of four months, I knew I could move on. And Mary DeMuth’s book Love, Pray, Listen provided the perfect companion for graduating from counselor to coping on my own.

In today’s podcast, you’ll learn 11 ways we need to take care of ourselves when we become parents of adults. Mary, a mother of three successful adult children, shares what she’s learned on her journey. You won’t want to miss this interview!

Show Notes

If you like to underline and write notes in the margin, you’ll want a copy of Mary’s book Love, Pray, Listen!

If you struggle with letting go of your recently-fledged adult children, this post might help.

Parents of adults have a unique opportunity to mentor and befriend their adult children. But first, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves. #selfcarehacks #lovepraylisten #bethanyhouse #amreading #parentingadults #adultchildren #parenting #emptynest #selfcare #relationships #improverelationships

Come Back Next Week

Next week I’ll share six relationship hacks I learned from sea otters. Yep. You read that right!

Join me for an interview with @MaryDeMuth, author of #LovePrayListen, a book with on-point advice for parents of adults. #amreading #selfcare
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