Segullah Audio Teachings

Segullah Audio Teachings

Latest Episodes

Luke-Acts session 11: The Cost of Discipleship (Luke 14-18)
September 27, 2022

In the last two sessions we have focused on the Kingdom of []

Session 7: Worship as a Way of Life
July 04, 2022

This is the last session of this series on worship. In this []

Session 6: Crafting a Worship Service
June 14, 2022

This podcast episode is about corporate worship. Why do we gather as []

Session 5: The Role of Music in Worship
May 23, 2022

What is the role of music in worship? In previous episodes we []

Session 4: What About Liturgy? Liturgy and Repetition in Worship
April 27, 2022

In this session I am going to bring up a word that []

Session 3: Sacrifices as Worship
April 12, 2022

Have you ever read the descriptions of sacrifices in Leviticus as a []

Session 2: Biblical Terms for Worship
March 29, 2022

This is session two of our series on worship. We want to []

Luke-Acts session 10: The Kingdom, the Torah, and Israel
March 22, 2022

In this session we look at three topics: The nature of the []

Session 1: Defining Worship
March 14, 2022

This is the first session of the series about worship. Worship is []

Living by the Spirit
March 01, 2022

(Ruach HaKodesh, Session 21) This is the final session in the Ruach […]