Holy Spirit - Segullah

Holy Spirit - Segullah

Revival – Part 1: What is Revival

January 31, 2022
(Ruach HaKodesh, Session 20a)

We have talked about the power of God’s Spirit working in us as individuals, but sometimes the Holy Spirit works on a large scale. Just as your body without your spirit is dead, so the Body of Messiah without the Spirit of Messiah is dead. The Holy Spirit is the life-force of the Kehillah. In this session, we look at revival. We discuss revival and define what this word means. What makes a revival? And what is not a revival? Revivals stand out in history. We look at some of those times of revival in the past, from Biblical times, such as Hezekiah’s reform, to more recent history, such as the Great Awakening and the Canadian revivals. What about revivals with which we disagree?  What is corporate versus individual filling? Do we long for Revival?

For an outline of all the sessions in this series, click on this link. To subscribe to this podcast, click here.

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