Holy Spirit - Segullah

Holy Spirit - Segullah

Filled with the Spirit – Part 2: The Spirit’s Work in Us

November 18, 2020

(RuachHaKodesh, Session 15b)

This episode of the RuachHaKodesh series continues our conversation about what it means to be filled with the Spirit. In part 1 of this conversation, we focused on the meaning of the phrase “baptism in the Holy Spirit.” Today we attempt to explore the Spirit’s work in us as believers. What does the Holy Spirit do in us? What is the purpose of having the Spirit dwell within us? What roles does the Holy Spirit play in the life of a believer?

In this episode we suggest six categories of roles that the Spirit performs:

* Conviction of sin* Regeneration* Fellowship with God* Holiness/sanctification* Empowerment* Life

Note that the first three of these roles cooperate to draw us to Messiah, while the last three function to make us more like Messiah. In that sense, everything the Spirit does is Messiah-centred and Messiah-focused(John 15:26; 16:13-14). There is also a sense in which these roles encompass not only the present life of the believer, but also the past and the future. This can be summed up in the following chart:

Of course, this is just one of many possible ways of visualizing and categorizing the Holy Spirit’s work in us. Nonetheless, these six roles will serve as an outline for our discussion. This episode explores the first four of these roles. The remainder will be discussed in the next episode.

For an outline of all the sessions in this series, click on this link. To subscribe to this podcast, click here.