Holy Spirit - Segullah

Holy Spirit - Segullah

Gift of Healing – Part 1: Healing in Scripture

July 03, 2020

(RuachHaKodesh, Session 13a)

This episode of the RuachHaKodesh series begins a three-part session on the gift of healing. We serve a God who is able to heal, and who often performs miracles of healing among his people. But how should this be understood in relation to the other gifts of the Spirit? In other words, is there a difference between a gift of healing and God’s healing power in general? Are certain people more anointed than others to be a conduit for miraculous healing? Does belief in God’s power to heal preclude the use of modern medicine? These are some of the questions we will look at in this session.

The current episode begins with a brief overview of modern perspectives on the gift of healing. After that, we look at some key passages of Scripture that relate to the gift of healing, such as:

* Genesis 20:7, 17-18 – the first healing* Exodus 15:22-26 – the Lord our Healer (Adonai Rophecha)* Prophetic healings (1 Kings and 2 Kings)* God as healer in the Psalms (e.g., Psalm 6:2; 30:2; 41:3–4; 103:3; 107:20; 147:3)* Healing in Isaiah and Jeremiah* Yeshua’s miracles* Miracles of the apostles* 1 Corinthians 12:9, 28, 30 – healing as a gift* James 5:13-18 – praying for healing* 1 Peter 2:24 – healed by his “stripes”

For an outline of all the sessions in this series, click on this link. To subscribe to this podcast, click here.