Holy Spirit - Segullah

Gift of Prophecy – Part 6: Theology of Revelation
(Ruach HaKodesh, Session 12f)
This episode is the last of a six-part study on the gift of prophecy. Here is a quick recap of what we have covered thus far:
* In part 1, we talked about prophecy by looking at the history of interpretation within Christianity and Judaism.* Part 2 began our survey of the gift of prophecy in Scripture.* In part 3 we did an overview of the different eras of prophecy in Scripture.* Part 4 discussed what Scripture has to say about false prophecy.* And in part 5, we looked at how prophecy applies to us today, and how we should assess modern claims to prophetic inspiration.
In the current episode, part 6, we will discuss the theology of revelation, which is basically a fancy way of saying “how God speaks to us.” We believe God does speak to us today, but the question is, how?
Most people don’t hear an audible voice, however if we truly have a relationship with God, we have to believe that in some way, somehow, God does speak to us today. We should be hearing His voice in some sense on a regular basis. That is part of what it means to have a relationship with God.
So how does God speak to us? Of course He speaks to us through His Word. His Word is living and active. Does God speak to us through other means as well? What about inspiration? When God reveals Himself through a prophet, we say that prophet is “inspired” or that their words are “inspired.” What does this word really mean? What about impressions that we have in our mind? And finally, how do we test something that we think is from God? These are the sorts of questions we need to ask as we wrap up our discussion of prophecy.
For an outline of all the sessions in this series, click on this link. To subscribe to this podcast, click here.