Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Software Media with Tim O’Reilly
January 20, 2020

Software has changed the way the world functions. The rapid pace of change has made it difficult to know how to navigate the new world. Knowledge workers who want to keep advancing in their careers develop a strategy of continuous learning in order to ...

Packet: Baremetal Infrastructure with Zachary Smith and Nathan Goulding
January 15, 2020

Cloud infrastructure is usually consumed in the form of virtual machines or containers. These VMs or containers are running on a physical host machine that is also running other VMs and containers. This is called multitenancy.

Edge Computing Platform with Jaromir Coufal
January 14, 2020

Edge computing is the usage of servers that are geographically close to the client device. The first common use case for edge computing was CDNs: content-delivery networks. A content delivery network placed media files such as images and videos on mult...

Data Infrastructure Go-To-Market with Sean Knapp
January 13, 2020

Every large company generates large amounts of data. Data engineering is the process of storing, transforming, and leveraging that data. Data infrastructure companies provide tools and platforms for performing data engineering.

Slack Data Platform with Josh Wills
January 10, 2020

Slack is a messaging platform for organizations. Since its creation in 2013, Slack has quickly become a core piece of technology used by a wide variety of technology companies, groups, and small teams.  The messages that are sent on Slack are generated...

NoSQL Optimization with Rick Houlihan
January 09, 2020

NoSQL databases provide an interface for storing and accessing data that allows the user to work with data in an “unstructured” fashion. SQL databases require the data in the database to be “normalized,” meaning that each object in the entire database ...

Amazon EC2 with Dave Brown
January 08, 2020

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is a virtualized server product that provides the user with scalable compute infrastructure. EC2 was created in 2006 as one of the first three AWS services along with S3 and Simple Queueing Service. Since then,

Amazon Kubernetes with Abby Fuller
January 07, 2020

Amazon’s container offerings include ECS (Elastic Container Service), EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), and Fargate. Through these different offerings, Amazon provides a variety of ways that a user can manage Kubernetes clusters and standalone containe...

Kubernetes Progress with Kelsey Hightower
January 06, 2020

When the Kubernetes project was started, Amazon Web Services was the dominant cloud provider. Most of the code that runs AWS is closed source, which prevents an open ecosystem from developing around AWS. Developers who deploy their application onto AWS...

freeCodeCamp with Quincy Larson
December 20, 2019

freeCodeCamp was started five years ago with the goal of providing free coding education to anyone on the Internet. freeCodeCamp has become the best place to begin learning how to write software. There are many other places that a software engineer sho...