Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Materialize: Streaming SQL on Timely Data with Arjun Narayan and Frank McSherry
February 19, 2020

Distributed stream processing frameworks are used to rapidly ingest and aggregate large volumes of incoming data. These frameworks often require the application developer to write imperative logic describing how that data should be processed.

Go Networking with Sneha Inguva
February 18, 2020

A cloud provider gives developers access to virtualized server infrastructure. When a developer rents this infrastructure via an API call, a virtual server is instantiated on physical machines. That virtual server needs to be made addressable through t...

Great Expectations: Data Pipeline Testing with Abe Gong
February 17, 2020

A data pipeline is a series of steps that takes large data sets and creates usable results from them. At the beginning of a data pipeline, a data set might be pulled from a database, a distributed file system, or a Kafka topic.

Data Warehouse ETL with Matthew Scullion
February 14, 2020

A data warehouse provides low latency access to large volumes of data.  A data warehouse is a crucial piece of infrastructure for a large company, because it can be used to answer complex questions involving a large number of data points.

Anyscale with Ion Stoica
February 13, 2020

Machine learning applications are widely deployed across the software industry.  Most of these applications used supervised learning, a process in which labeled data sets are used to find correlations between the labels and the trends in that underlyin...

Flink and BEAM Stream Processing with Maximilian Michels
February 12, 2020

Distributed stream processing systems are used to read large volumes of data and perform operations across those data streams.  These stream processing systems often build off of the MapReduce algorithm for collecting and aggregating large volumes of d...

Druid Analytics with Jad Naous
February 11, 2020

Large companies generate large volumes of data. This data gets dumped into a data lake for long-term storage, then pulled into memory for processing and analysis. Once it is in memory, it is often read into a dashboard,

The Data Exchange with Ben Lorica
February 10, 2020

Data infrastructure has been transformed over the last fifteen years.  The open source Hadoop project led to the creation of multiple companies based around commercializing the MapReduce algorithm and Hadoop distributed file system.

Rive: Animation Tooling with Guido and Luigi Rosso
February 04, 2020

Animations can be used to create games, app tutorials, and user interface components. Animations can be seen in messaging apps, where animated reactions can convey rich feelings over a text interface. Loading screens can become less boring through anim...

John Deere: Farm Software with Ryan Bergman
February 03, 2020

Robotics has changed modern agriculture. Autonomous systems are powering the tractors, cotton pickers, and corn cutters that yield plants at industrial scale. John Deere is a company that has been making farm equipment for 183 years. Over that period,