Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Facebook OpenStreetMap Engineering with Saurav Mohapatra and Jacob Wasserman
April 17, 2020

Facebook applications use maps for showing users where to go. These maps can display businesses, roads, and event locations. Understanding the geographical world is also important for performing search queries that take into account a user’s location.

NGINX Service Mesh with Alan Murphy
April 16, 2020

NGINX is a web server that is used as a load balancer, an API gateway, a reverse proxy, and other purposes. Core application servers such as Ruby on Rails are often supported by NGINX, which handles routing the user requests between the different appli...

Shopify React Native with Farhan Thawar
April 15, 2020

Shopify is a platform for selling products and building a business. It is a large e-commerce company with hundreds of engineers and several different mobile apps. Shopify’s engineering culture is willing to adopt new technologies aggressively,

Ceph Storage System with Sage Weil
April 14, 2020

Ceph is a storage system that can be used for provisioning object storage, block storage, and file storage. These storage primitives can be used as the underlying medium for databases, queueing systems, and bucket storage.

Collaborative SQL with Rahil Sondhi
April 13, 2020

Data analysts need to collaborate with each other in the same way that software engineers do. They also need a high quality development environment.  These data analysts are not working with programming languages like Java and Python,

kSQLDB: Kafka Streaming Interface with Michael Drogalis
April 07, 2020

Kafka is a distributed stream processing system that is commonly used for storing large volumes of append-only event data. Kafka has been open source for almost a decade, and as the project has matured, it has been used for new kinds of applications.

Godot Game Engine with Juan Linietsky
April 06, 2020

Building a game is not easy. The development team needs to figure out a unique design and gameplay mechanics that will attract players. There is a great deal of creative work that goes into making a game successful,

V8 Lite with Ross McIlroy
April 03, 2020

V8 is the JavaScript engine that runs Chrome. Every popular website makes heavy use of JavaScript, and V8 manages the execution environment of that code. The code that processes in your browser can run faster or slower depending on how “hot” the codepa...

Serverless Development with Jeremy Daly
April 02, 2020

Serverless tools have come a long way since the release of AWS Lambda in 2014. Serverless apps were originally architected around Lambda, with the functions-as-a-service being used to glue together larger pieces of functionality and API services.

Audio Data Engineering with Allison King
April 01, 2020

Cortico is a non-profit that builds audio tools to improve public dialogue. Allison King is an engineer at Cortico, and she joins the show to talk about the process of building audio applications.  One of these applications was a system for ingesting r...