Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Grafana with Torkel Ödegaard
June 11, 2020

Grafana is an open source visualization and monitoring tool that is used for creating dashboards and charting time series data. Grafana is used by thousands of companies to monitor their infrastructure. It is a popular component in monitoring stacks,

Apache Airflow with Maxime Beauchemin, Vikram Koka, and Ash Berlin-Taylor
June 10, 2020

Apache Airflow was released in 2015, introducing the first popular open source solution to data pipeline orchestration. Since that time, Airflow has been widely adopted for dependency-based data workflows. A developer might orchestrate a pipeline with ...

Human in the Loop Data Analytics with Aditya Parameswaran
June 09, 2020

The life cycle of data management includes data cleaning, extraction, integration, analysis and exploration, and machine learning models. It would be great if all of this data management could be handled with automation,

Tilt: Kubernetes Tooling with Dan Bentley
June 08, 2020

Kubernetes continues to mature as a platform for infrastructure management. At this point, many companies have well-developed workflows and deployment patterns for working with applications built on Kubernetes.

Uber’s Data Visualization Tools with Ib Green
June 05, 2020

Uber needs to visualize data on a range of different surfaces. A smartphone user sees cars moving around on a map as they wait for their ride to arrive. Data scientists and operations researchers within Uber study the renderings of traffic moving throu...

Prisma: Modern Database Tooling with Johannes Schickling
June 04, 2020

A frontend developer issuing a query to a backend server typically requires the developer to issue that query through an ORM or a raw database query. Prisma is an alternative to both of these data access patterns,

Tecton: Machine Learning Platform from Uber with Kevin Stumpf
June 03, 2020

Machine learning workflows have had a problem for a long time: taking a model from the prototyping step and putting it into production is not an easy task. A data scientist who is developing a model is often working with different tools,

HoloClean: Data Quality Management with Theodoros Rekatsinas
June 02, 2020

Many data sources produce new data points at a very high rate. With so much data, the issue of data quality emerges. Low quality data can degrade the accuracy of machine learning models that are built around those data sources. Ideally,

Disaggregated Servers with Yiying Zhang
June 01, 2020

Server infrastructure traditionally consists of monolithic servers containing all of the necessary hardware to run a computer. These different hardware components are located next to each other, and do not need to communicate over a network boundary to...

Kubernetes vs. Serverless with Matt Ward
May 29, 2020

Kubernetes has become a highly usable platform for deploying and managing distributed systems.  The user experience for Kubernetes is great, but is still not as simple as a full-on serverless implementation–at least,