Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Chronosphere: Scalable Metrics Database with Rob Skillington
July 09, 2020

M3 is a scalable metrics database originally built to host Uber’s rapidly growing data storage from Prometheus. When Rob Skillington was at Uber, he helped design, implement, and deploy M3. Since leaving Uber,

Determined AI: Machine Learning Ops with Neil Conway
July 08, 2020

Developing machine learning models is not easy. From the perspective of the machine learning researcher, there is the iterative process of tuning hyperparameters and selecting relevant features. From the perspective of the operations engineer,

The Good Parts of AWS with Daniel Vassallo
July 07, 2020

AWS has over 150 different services. Databases, log management, edge computing, and lots of others. Instead of being overwhelmed by all of these products, an engineering team can simplify their workflow by focusing on a small subset of AWS services–the...

Pull Request Environments with Eric Silverman
July 06, 2020

The modern release workflow involves multiple stakeholders: engineers, management, designers, and product managers. It is a collaborative process that is often held together with brittle workflows. A developer deploys a new build to an ad hoc staging e...

Deepgram: End-to-End Speech Recognition with Scott Stephenson
July 03, 2020

Deepgram is an end-to-end deep learning platform for speech recognition. Unlike the general purpose APIs from Google or Amazon, Deepgram models are custom-trained for each customer. Whether the customer is a call center, a podcasting company,

DynamoDB with Alex DeBrie
July 02, 2020

DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service from AWS. It is widely used as a transactional database to fulfill key-value and wide-column data models. In a previous show with Rick Houlihan, we explored how to build a data model and optimize the query p...

Snowplow Analytics: Data Collection Platform with Alex Dean
July 01, 2020

As a user browses a webpage, that browser session generates events that need to be recorded, validated, enriched, and stored. This data is sometimes called customer data infrastructure, or CDI. This data requires a full stack of different tools: a syst...

Postman: API Development with Abhinav Asthana
June 30, 2020

A software company manages and interacts with hundreds of APIs. These APIs require testing, performance analysis, authorization management, and release management. In a word, APIs require collaboration. Postman is a system for API collaboration.

Cresta: Speech ML for Calls with Zayd Enam
June 29, 2020

At a customer service center, thousands of hours of audio are generated. This audio provides a wealth of information to transcribe and analyze. With the additional data of the most successful customer service representatives,

React Native Ecosystem with Nader Dabit (Summer Break Repeat)
June 26, 2020

Originally published July 6, 2017. We are taking a few weeks off. We’ll be back soon with new episodes. React Native allows developers to reuse components from one user interface on multiple platforms. React Native was introduced by Facebook to reduce ...