Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

NBSafety for Jupyter Notebooks with Stephen Macke
October 26, 2021

The notebook paradigm of coding is relatively new in comparison to REPLs and IDEs.  Notebooks run in your browser and give you discrete cells for running segments of code.  All the code in a single ce

Online Communities on Gather with Phillip Wang
October 25, 2021

Virtual meetings were growing in popularity before the need accelerated as a result of the pandemic. Gather is a place where you can create a space for your community today. Users who join find themse

No Code AI for Video Analytics with Alex Thiele
October 22, 2021

Imagine a world where you own some sort of building whether that’s a grocery store, a restaurant, a factory… and you want to know how many people reside in each section of the store, or maybe how long

The Future of Gig Work on with Adam Jackson
October 21, 2021

The gig economy involves independent contractors engaging in flexible jobs. Today gig workers often get work from centralized platforms that facilitate the process of connecting workers with employers

Investing in Infrastructure and Dev Tools with Timothy Chen
October 20, 2021

Venture capital investment has continued to flow into technology startups.  No one builds technology from scratch.  There are cloud services, software libraries, 3rd party services, and software platf with Johan Unger
October 19, 2021

Whether you love them or hate them, share them or ignore them, you encounter memes all over the internet.  Those that are popular can often take off and spawn a long history of remixes, variants, deri

Model Deployment and Serving with Chaoyu Yang
November 04, 2020

Newer machine learning tooling is often focused on streamlining the workflows and developer experience. One such tool is BentoML. BentoML is a workflow that allows data scientists and developers to ship models more effectively.

Humanloop: NLP Model Engineering with Raza Habib
November 03, 2020

Data labeling and model training requires tools to enable humans to work in the loop more effectively. The “human in the loop” is necessary to train models via human-labeled data. Humanloop is a platform for streamlining the tasks of the human in the l...

Hightouch: Customer Data Warehouse
November 02, 2020

A customer data platform such as Segment allows developers to build analytics and workflows around customer data such as purchases, clicks, and other interactions. These customer data platforms (CDP) are often tightly coupled to an underlying data ware...

Fivetran and DBT with George Fraser
October 30, 2020

Fivetran is a company that builds data integration infrastructure. If your company is performing ELT or ETL jobs to move data from one place to another, Fivetran can help with that movement from source to destination.