Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

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Happy to talk more after I get back from smoking
November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021

omg withfries2 disgusting

Convio is taking credit for my work
November 12, 2021

()[. $ .]() – I’d hit that castlevanie upside down castle   GRANDFALOON   a downward spiralic escalator

screen Zuck for cancer
November 12, 2021

I’m not judge nor jury nor executioner. Antione will do what he must spoke Zarathustra. I’m asleep with eyes, owen. (and austin lmao) I want to play Magic against people with screen heads ande without

Facebook is occult.
November 12, 2021

Consider the name. . . . . Zuck announces partnership with Peter Thiel in crypt-o-face currency collusion conclusion.

Was Vic Gundotra a plant to make Google+, then make Google+Facebook?
November 12, 2021

Zuck’s father might be controlled by Larry Ellison. Look at the mask in this picture. Darth Vader? What bullshit is that? Also, who made Phil Hellmuth act like a wizard. It was NOT me. I promise you i

Is Apple completely fraudulent too? Like the steel industry?
November 12, 2021

The post Is Apple completely fraudulent too? Like the steel industry? appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.

I used to think Facebook was well-run.
November 12, 2021

I read “What You Do Is Who You Are” and it helped me build confidence. Before that I read Ben’s first book, and several of Marc’s essays. I listened to almost every interview with Marc and Peter Thiel

Is Y Combinator run by Facebook? Is Facebook run by Mark Zuckerberg?
November 12, 2021

It’s a mafia that rules through intimidation. That’s not the only way to impose some order on a confusing situation. If you want to learn more about who I am, listen to my music.

AI in Sales with Ohad Parush
November 12, 2021

To many people’s surprise tech sales is not much of an art. It’s actually a regimented science where reps have clear step-by-step processes to bring in new business. Each stage takes the customer clos